The University Library provides access to selected content via the ProQuest platform. ProQuest collections and databases include:
Resources cover business, economic conditions, corporate strategies, management theory, management techniques, business trends, competitive landscape and product information, accounting, finance, and other business-related disciplines.
Includes the ProQuest Biological Sciences Database with full-text from over 1000 leading biology journals. Also includes the article abstracts from the broader ProQuest Biological Sciences Index, MEDLINE and TOXLINE.
Subjects covered include: sexuality, religion, societal roles, feminism, masculinity, eating disorders, day care, and the workplace.
From its earliest beginnings when it urged African
Americans not to “spend your money where you can’t work,”
the Los Angeles Sentinel has exposed prejudice, promoted
social change, and empowered the black community.
By accessing more than 70 years of cover-to-cover
reporting, today’s readers view the Depression through the
eyes of African Americans in the 1930s. They can follow
the grass-roots struggle against the racially restrictive
housing covenants of the 1940s. Researchers can
follow Roy Wilkins’ column, “The Watchtower,” and see
how he attacked efforts to label civil rights activists as
“communists” during the Cold War. Today, this independent
publication continues to cover community and world issues
from the unique cultural perspective of the Los Angeles
African American community
The definitive resource for scholarly literature on Western art, IBA is the successor to the Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA). The database includes records created by the Getty Research Institute in 2008-09, with new records created by ProQuest using BHA editorial policies, and the same thesaurus and authority files.
These records of Japanese American internment in World War II include reports and correspondence on issues such as security, education, health, vocational training, agriculture, food, and family welfare.
To get the full-text of articles, use the "Find It" button to access CSU Stanislaus library article sources and Get It services.
Covers through five years ago. Use the ProQuest Global Newsstream for articles from the most recent years.
Including The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe, Newsday, and Chicago Tribune.
Most of the citations in TOXLINE refer to journal articles; other publication types include meeting reports, monographs, patents, research project reports, technical reports and theses. The library's ProQuest site can often provide the full-text of TOXLINE records via PDF, Find It, and Get It / Get the Full-Text links.
Topic coverage includes business, criminal justice, education, philosophy, and social work. Full-text of social science and humanities dissertations are also available.