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Database Guides : New and Updated Resources

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Overview - Nineteenth Century British Pamphlets

19th Century British Pamphlets is a collection of primary sources that were often short and/or informally published but were important parts of British political and social life.

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JSTOR Primary Sources: Detailed Descriptions

Throughout the 19th century, pamphlets were an important means of public debate, covering the key political, social, technological, and environmental issues of their day. Research Libraries UK (RLUK) developed this collection of pamphlets containing the most significant British pamphlets from the 19th century held in British research libraries.

The digitization of more than 26,000 pamphlets from collections in seven universities in the UK spanning more than one million pages brings together a corpus of primary sources for the study of sociopolitical and economic factors impacting 19th-century Britain.

Electronic Resource Information

Platform:  JSTOR

Full-text: All items

Content Update: Finished collections.

Provider: JSTOR / California State University, Electronic Core Collection (CSU ECC)

LibGuide/Springshare URL:

Library PURL:


19th Century British Pamphlets (collection record; Books @ Stan State, Everything @ Stan State)

Wilson Anti-Slavery Collection (sub-collection record, Books @ Stan State, Everything @ Stan State)

A Brief Notice of American Slavery and the Abolition Movement (Articles @ Stan State, Everything @ Stan State)