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Database Guides : New and Updated Resources

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Exploring Race in Society: Database Overview and Tips

Content Summary:

High quality sources cover topics related to race in society. Specifically designed for high school and undergraduate students, the database provides context and solutions-oriented points of view within a scholarly collection of content on topics related to race, ethnicity, diversity and inclusiveness.

Full-text: 99% of items available immediately in the database

Search Tips:

  • In this database, consider not limiting to peer reviewed. The documents from "non-peer reviewed" sources in Exploring Race in Society have been selected for their high quality and relevance for study by students.
  • Potentially interesting Document Types you may want to explore on the Advanced Search screen:
    • Editorial
    • Essay
    • Interview
    • Opinion
    • Speech
  • For commentary on issues of race written for the database, search for "Exploring Race in Society" as a Source (using the pull-down menu next to your search terms).

Types of Content:

  • Academic journal articles
  • Government agency and non-profit organization reports
  • Primary source documents
  • Essays from a diverse group of writers
  • Chapters from relevant books

For more help:

Electronic Resource Information

Platform: EBSCOHost

Electronic Resource Type: Aggregator full-text collection

Subscription source: Free EBSCO collection

Dates covered: 1939 - present

Vendor/publisher guide: EBSCO Exploring Race in Society

Database Source Types:

  • Books  (includes essays written for the database)
  • Magazines
  • Academic Journals
  • Reviews (reviews of books, television programs, etc.)
  • Report (not available to be selected in search limiters)

Database Document Types include:

  • Articles (includes government reports, essays from database/books)
  • Charts/Graphs/Pictures
  • Editorial
  • Essay
  • Interview
  • Opinion
  • Proceeding
  • Speech
