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Database Guides : New and Updated Resources

Overview of new or updated library electronic resources

Overview - JSTOR Primary Sources

JSTOR Primary Sources consists of three online collections of historic documents and images:

  • 19th Century British Pamphlets
  • Struggles for Freedom: Southern Africa
  • World Heritage Sites: Africa

Search Tips / Options:

Use the middle search box to search just the selected primary source collections ("Search JSTOR Primary Sources"). 

On the search results screen, limit by:

  • Type of material (documents, images)
  • Date, Language, and/or Collection

Advanced Search covers all of JSTOR (not just Primary Sources).

You can limit an advanced search to Primary Sources on the search results page (under "Content Type").

Full text: 100% of records include the full-text (document and/or image).

Citing, Saving, Linking (JSTOR)

Citing a Document
  • JSTOR Cite iconUse the Cite icon for APA, Chicago, and MLA style citations.
    • To the right of an entry in a search results list.
    • Above a full-text window in an individual item record.
  • Always double-check the example for corrections.
Save a Document (PDF):
  • JSTOR download icon (PDF)Use the Download  link.
    • To the right of an entry in a search results list.
    • Above a full-text window in an individual item record.
  • You will need to accept JSTOR's terms and conditions.
Link to a specific document:
  • Use the stable URL found below the full item publication information on an individual record page.
    • Example:
  • To make this link work off-campus, add "" to the URL.
    • Example:

JSTOR Primary Sources: Detailed Descriptions

Electronic Resource Information

Platform:  JSTOR

Full-text: All items

Content Update: Finished collections.

Provider: JSTOR / California State University, Electronic Core Collection (CSU ECC)

LibGuide/Springshare URL:

Library PURL:


19th Century British Pamphlets (collection record; Books @ Stan State, Everything @ Stan State)

Wilson Anti-Slavery Collection (sub-collection record, Books @ Stan State, Everything @ Stan State)

A Brief Notice of American Slavery and the Abolition Movement (Articles @ Stan State, Everything @ Stan State)

Struggles for Freedom: Southern Africa (collection record)

No sub-collection or item level records in OneSearch.

World Heritage Sites: Africa (collection record)

No sub-collection or item level records in OneSearch.