Ethnic Diversity Source provides access to full-text materials which support the study of African Americans, Arab Americans, Asian Americans, European Americans, Jewish Americans, Latinx Americans, Multiracial Americans, and Native Americans, among others, with respect to their cultures, traditions, social treatment, and lived experiences. EBSCO will continuously update these resources with additional, current content.
Publication types include:
Ethnic Diversity Source combines an Ethnic Diversity Source core article database and a separate Diversity and Ethnic Studies ebook database.
Ethnic Diversity Source - core article database
Focuses on scholarly journal, newspaper, and magazine articles, but also includes selected documents and reference books. Includes short biographies and historical documents such as full-text speeches, interviews, letters.
Diversity and Ethnic Studies eBook Collection
Unlimited access to the full content to 5000 books selected for relevance to research in diversity, equity, and inclusion. The collection includes titles from over 230 publishers made available through the library’s EBSCO ebook interface. New content is added quarterly.
Platform: EBSCOHost
Electronic Resource Type: Aggregator full-text collection
Subscription source: CSU System Electronic Core collection
Vendor/publisher information (with title lists): EBSCO Ethnic Diversity Source
Database Document Types include:
Library database links to Ethnic Diversity Source simultaneously searches EBSCO's Diversity and Ethnic Studies eBook collection as well as periodicals and documents from EBSCO's main Ethnic Diversity Source collection.
Subscription collection of over 5000 academic and research titles selected to support research in diversity, equity and inclusion. Covers selected titles from 230 publishers available through EBSCO's ebook interface.