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Database Guides : New and Updated Resources

Overview of new or updated library electronic resources

International Bibliography of Art - Overiew

ProQuest's International Bibliography of Art covers research publications on the visual arts published from 2008 to the present.  It indexes at least 500 core journals, and has very selective coverage of monographs, essay collections, conference proceedings and exhibition catalogues. About 40% of the entries are for English language publications, with the remaining 60% covering primarily German, French, Italian and Spanish publications.

Search Tips
  • Use the Peer reviewed limiter alone to search for all scholarly/research reviewed material in the database. 
  • In the discipline of Visual Arts, appropriate Trade Journals and even Magazines can have credible and useful information.
  • Although ProQuest mentions eventually adding exhibition catalogs, very few have been added as of 2023.

Full Text:

  • Use the Find it via Stan State (Find It! button) to access Stan State Library articles publications. 
    • Links to the full-text/PDF of articles if available via Stan State.
    • Links to the holdings (shelving location and call number) if an item is shelved in the University Library.
    • Links to a Get It request form (you may need to sign in first) allowing you to request items not owned by the library.

Detailed Descripton of the IBA

The International Bibliography of Art follows the editorial practices of and is successor to the  Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA). The database includes records created by the Getty Research Institute in 2008-09, with new records created by ProQuest using the same thesaurus and authority files, covering 2010 - present. ProQuest has indicated it will add coverage of exhibition catalogs, but few are currently included.

IBA Subject coverage:

  • European art since late antiquity
  • American art since the colonial period
  • Global art since 1945
  • Fine art in all media
  • Decorative arts and antiques
  • Museum studies and conservation
  • Archaeology and material culture
  • Folk art
  • Architectural history

Traditional Art Indexes

Scholarly art indexing has traditionally started with the Répertoire d’art et d’archéologie (RAA, 1910-1989) and Répertoire de la Litterature de l'Art (RILA, 1974 - 1989).  In 1990, these efforts were combined to from the Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA, 1990 - 2007).  ProQuest's International Bibliography of Art (IBA) continues the editorial practices of the BHA, and the IBA covers 2008 - present.

  • Répertoire d'art et d'archéologie (RAA)
  • Répertoire international de la littérature de l'art (RILA)
  • Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA)
  • International Bibliography of Art

Electronic Resource Information - IBA

Vendor/publisher guide: ProQuest LibGuide for the International Bibliography of Art

Title list: ProQuest list of titles indexed in the IBA (title list)

Platform: ProQuest

Electronic Resource Type: Abstract & Indexing Database

Status: Continuing database (new records added regularly).

Subscription source: Complimentary with CSU Stanislaus ProQuest Subscriptions

Dates covered: Full coverage of 2008 - present. Partial coverage of 1990 - 2007.

OneSearch:  Collection record.

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