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ERIC Documents: ERIC Documents

Eric Documents


What are ERIC Documents?

  • Papers, dissertations, guides, and selected books relating to education practice and research
  • Items listed with accession numbers starting with "ED" in the ERIC database are ERIC Documents. Entries for almost all journal articles start with "EJ".
  • In general, ERIC documents are publications indexed in the ERIC database that are not journal articles.

Access to ERIC Documents

  • ERIC website  (U.S. Education Department) - includes the full-text of many ERIC Documents (ED entries) and some journal articles (EJ entries) listed in the ERIC database
  • ERIC Documents not available from the ERIC website may be available in other library collections:
  • Items not owned by the CSU Stanislaus Library can be requested via Interlibrary Loan

Identifying ERIC Documents

  • Use the ERIC database to search for and identify ERIC Documents (items with "ED" accession numbers).

Retrieving the Full Text of ERIC Documents

ERIC Documents Online (1992- present)

In most cases, documents published from 1992 - present are available online via the U.S. Department of Education ERIC service. Access to most documents previously offline due to privacy concerns has been restored.
This government website provides searching by ED# (e.g. ED313384), as well as author, title, descriptor (keyword), source, etc. For more information on searching this government website, see the search tips here.
The Library's other ERIC database also link to the full-text on the U.S. Department of Education ERIC website (when available).

ERIC Microfiche: (1966 - 2004) 

Many, but not all, documents published from 1966 through 2004 are available in the Library filed under the ED number in the ERIC microfiche cabinets.
The full-text of most ERIC Documents on microfiche are now available on the government's ERIC website, but a small number may only be available in microfiche.

ERIC Documents not available online or in microfiche

Search the Library Catalog for the title of books or journals to see if the ERIC document is available elsewhere in the Library's collection. If not available in the University Library or via CSU+, the ERIC document may be requested via Interlibrary Loan.