Course materials are placed on reserve at the request of instructors, who are responsible for ensuring that reserve materials comply with copyright law. Types of materials that can be placed on reserve include resources from the Stan State Library collection and materials owned and provided by the instructor (copies made in accordance with copyright law will be accepted as well). The Library is not able to place on reserve materials borrowed from another library or obtained through rental for personal use.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
The Library is offering both physical and electronic reserves.
Course Reserve physical items are automatically removed from the reserve collection at the end of each term unless a request is received to retain the item on reserve for the following term/semester. Items owned by the Library are returned to the stacks; photocopies and personal copies are returned to instructors through interoffice mail after the end of the semester. The Library is not able to accommodate requests to leave items in the reserve collection for longer than an academic year.
E-reserves are automatically removed from the website at the end of each semester. PDF files provided by faculty will be destroyed or returned to faculty as requested.
Contact the Circulation Desk by phone: 209-667-3234, or email:
Library Resources