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oxford press open access opportunitites
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D.I.Y. wooden book nooks
north american women's letters and diaries

North American Women's Letters and Diaries

This collection includes the immediate experiences of 1,325 women and 150,000 pages of diaries and letters.

Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000

This collection features document projects and extensive collections of primary sources on U.S. history with particular insights of women’s history.

Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000
mary queen of scotts

British and Irish Women's Letters and Diaries

Diaries and letters of over 500 women covering 300 years of British and Irish history.

Featured Books

 Staying alive : women, ecology, and development

Staying alive : women, ecology, and development

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The bonobo sisterhood : revolution through female alliance

The bonobo sisterhood : revolution through female alliance

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Invisible women : data bias in a world designed for men

Invisible women : data bias in a world designed for men

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If I go missing: disappearances of indigenous women

If I go missing: disappearances of indigenous women

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Womb : the inside story of where we all began

Womb : the inside story of where we all began

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Women and other monsters : building a new mythology

Women and other monsters : building a new mythology

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In defense of witches : the legacy of the witch hunts and why women are still on trial

In defense of witches : the legacy of the witch hunts and why women are still on trial

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Bitch : on the female of the species

Bitch : on the female of the species

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 Daring to drive : a Saudi woman's awakening

Daring to drive : a Saudi woman's awakening 

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Women & power : a manifesto

Women & power : a manifesto

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Formidable : American women and the fight for equality : 1920-2020

Formidable : American women and the fight for equality : 1920-2020

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Fertile matters : the politics of Mexican-origin women's reproductiony)

Fertile matters : the politics of Mexican-origin women's reproduction

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The Handmaid's Tale: a novel

The Handmaid's Tale: a novel

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The woman who could not forget : Iris Chang before and beyond The rape of Nanking

The woman who could not forget : Iris Chang before and beyond The rape of Nanking

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Revolutionary women : 50 women of color who reinvented the rules

Revolutionary women : 50 women of color who reinvented the rules

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When women ruled the world : six queens of Egypt

When women ruled the world : six queens of Egypt

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Speak: a novel

Speak: a novel

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Feeling trapped : social class and violence against women

Feeling trapped : social class and violence against women

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Sisters in science : conversations with black women scientists about race, gender, and their passion for science

Sisters in science : conversations with black women scientists about race, gender, and their passion for science

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The femicide machine: crimes against women in Mexico

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