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Nursing: FNP Program Orientation

Overview of library services and resources for the Family Nurse Practitioner Program

PubMed vs. MEDLINE

Adding Find It! via CSU Stanislaus to PubMed

  • Use the Stan State link to PubMed. (Any PubMed link from a library page.)
  • Create a PubMed account.  In your PubMed account, under Settings / Account Preferences / Outside Tool, add Find It! @ CSU Stanislaus.

Find it via the CSU Stanislaus Library

The Find It! services will link to full-text online if the journal is covered by Stan State library subscription.  If the library does not own the article, Find It! should link to a OneSearch services page with a "Get a copy" or Interlibrary Loan request form.


If Web of Knowledge MEDLINE does not have a Find It! button, look for the "Context sensitive link"

PubMed vs. MEDLINE

  • Both databases search a similar group of medical literature (mostly medical journals) compiled by the NLM.  PubMed includes "future MEDLINE" articles that have not yet been fully indexed (assigned detailed MeSH / Medical Subject Headings), as well as a small amount of additional content (from life sciences journals and selected medical books).
  • All MEDLINE content is from a medical journals and all content includes detailed indexing according to carefully conrolled and applied Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), insuring all research on a specific content is accessible under standardized terms.

Access to the full articles:

  • PubMed links to the publisher's site of most articles, and for some articles, but not all, the publishers free online access via their site.
  • For articles that are not free to the general public online, use the University Library (linked via Find It! or by visiting the library website) to access content already purchased by Stan State (or to have the library acquire a copy for you).