Medical journals are usually the most appropriate resources for the study of Family Nurse Practitioners.
The main databases to search for and access medical journals are PubMed and MEDLINE. Both of these databases are compiled by the National Library of Medicine and have almost the same content.
PubMed comprises of citations for biomedical journal articles from MEDLINE (or queued to be included in MEDLINE in the future), other life science journals, and selected medical books.
The Stan State library link adds a code (?otool=cacsuslib) to tell PubMed to add a Find It! link to let you access Stan State library subscriptions or an Interlibrary Loan request form for an article.
To get the full-text of articles, use the "Find It" button to access CSU Stanislaus library article sources and Get It services.
Articles in medical journals/medical research compiled by the National Library of Medicine. Includes detailed and controlled medical terminology (MESH headings) for each entry, to identify and fully trace research on specific medical topics.
Subjects include biomedicine and life sciences, bioengineering, public health, clinical care, and plant and animal science.
For full-text, click Context Sensitive Links.
In MEDLINE (Web of Knowledge) if you do not see a Find It! button, click the "Context Sensitive Links" to access the article via Stanislaus State Find It! service.
MEDLINE indexes articles in medical journals/medical research as compiled by the National Library of Medicine. This database includes detailed and controlled medical terminology (MESH headings) for each entry, to identify and fully trace research on specific medical topics.
Almost all PubMed content is eventually indexed by MEDLINE, although it can take several weeks before newly published articles listed in PubMed are also listed in MEDLINE.
CINAHL® Plus is a robust collection of full text for nursing & allied health journals, providing full text for journals indexed in CINAHL®. This authoritative file contains full text for many of the most used journals in the CINAHL index, with no embargo. With full-text coverage dating back to 1937, CINAHL® Plus is a core research tool for all areas of nursing and allied health literature.
CINAHL® Plus also provides indexing for more than 5,000 journals from the fields of nursing and allied health. The database contains more than 4 million records dating back to 1937.
Searching a database will provide citations to scholarly journal articles and other scientific research.
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If there are no full-text links, use Find It! to see if article is available in another library subscription.