If you already know a specific article or journal, you can use different tools to locate an article or journal by the title or the article or journal, the DOI, or the ISSN.
Stanislaus State DOI Lookup
If you have a DOI, the library has a Stanislaus State DOI Lookup that will link you to the full-article or a request form.
Stanislaus State DOI Lookup - https://library.csustan.edu/doi-lookup
It is linked on the library via the following steps:
If you have a specific name of a journal or an ISSN, to determine if the university library has a specific journal:
Of the 60,000 periodicals/journals available through the library, almost all of them are available online. (Only 160 are only available in print.)
If you have the title of an article, you can access via the library:
A) Use the Find a specific citation (Fetch Item) form
You can also access this under the OneSearch Advanced Search or results screen under "Fetch Item" at the top of the screen.
B) Simple search on OneSearch
C) Advanced search on OneSearch