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HONS 3050: International Human Rights Issues - Dr. Conteh

This is a class page for Honors 3050. Instructor: Dr. Conteh

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  • To find books located in the CSU Stanislaus Library or in digital format, change the dropdown menu on OneSearch from “Everything @ Stan State” to “Books & Media @ Stan State.”
  • Books and media items available on campus will have a location designation of  "CSU Stanislaus Library." A librarian or library staff member can help you find books in Library Research Help Desk.
  • To find additional resources available in all California State University Libraries, change the dropdown menu to “CSU + and Beyond."

CSU+ is an online borrowing system available to all faculty, students, and staff at CSU Stanislaus. Books will be delivered to the library at Turlock or Stockton in 2-3 days.  More information about CSU+ can be found here.

Librarians are skilled at helping students find books and articles needed for research. If you are not finding what you need, ASK!

Library Books on International Human Rights

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