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PSCI 4950 Public International Law Dr. Conteh

Selected Topics in Political Science

Library Resources for International Justice Research

Various authoritative information sources exist for your diverse research topics.  Some is region specific.  Some must be ordered from other libraries through CSU+ or Interlibrary Loan.  There may be more information sources than those listed here that your instructor or librarian can suggest.  Meet with librarian Mary Weppler to make sure you are aware of resources and strategies for your topic.  

The library organizes item types generally as articles or books.  See the tabs to the left to determine which strategy to use.

There are two ways to search:  you have a known item (for example referred to in your reading), and your question is do we have it.  Type the title into OneSearch.  If it appears at the top of your results list, pursue the links or other access information in the record.  For books, always sign in to get access to CSU+.

The other type of search is a keyword search for what ever items match your need.  You try keywords in databases to see what comes up.  For books use OneSearch limited to Books & Media Stanislaus.  To get more, Use CSU+.  To get more, use Worldcat.  See Mary Weppler for help.

To find articles, you can use OneSearch limited to articles, which includes results from the largest collection of publications.  For a more focused set of results, you can instead use one of the discipline-specific databases, and if no full text, click on the "find it" button to see if it can find it in our subscriptions.  If not, order from interlibrary loan.