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COMM 2011: Intro to Communication Studies

Research guide for Professor Jacobs' COMM 2011 course

ASA Citation Style

Text Citations
Citations in the text include the last name of the author(s) and year, and page numbers when quoting directly (45). If there isn't a date, use N.d. instead (46). When appropriate, pagination follows the year with no space between the colon and the page number (45). Ex: ...Orol (2010:1).

One author: If the author's last name is in the text, follow it with the year; if not, enclose the lst name and year in parenthesis (45). Ex: (Taylor 2005)
No author: Use a corporate author or an organization name instead of the author (45). Ex: (American Sociological Association 2014)
Multiple authors:

Two authors: Enclose both author's last name (46). Ex: (Wagner and Clarke 1999)
Three authors: If the work has three authors, cite all three late names in the first citation (46). Ex: (Kern, Cornwell, and Jones 1999) Corresponding citations use et al. after (46). Ex: (Kern et al. 1999)
More than three authors: Use et al. in the the first and subsequent citations (46). Ex: (Williams et al. 2007)

DISCLAIMER: This citation style requires format structure (hanging indent) which is unable to be properly displayed here. If you would like more information or have other questions, please contact us! 


Book (48):
Last name, First name, and First name Last name. Year. Title of Container. Location: Publisher.
Berk, Richard A. 1981. Water Shortage: Lessons in Conservation from the Great California Drought, 1976-1977. Cambridge, Mass.: Abt Books.

Web page (84):
Last name, First name. Year. "Title of Source." Title of Container. Location: Publisher. Date of access (URL). 
California Department of Fish and Wildlife. 2017. "Coho Salmon." Sacramento, CA: Fisheries Branch. Retrieved June 20, 2018 ( 

Journal article from an online database with DOI (51):
Last name, First name, First name Last name, and First name Last name. Year. "Title of Source." Title of Container Volume number(Issue number). Date of access (URL). 
Hladik, Michelle L., Joseph L. Domagalski, and Kathryn M. Kuivila. 2009. "Concentrations and Loads of Suspended Sediment-associated Pesticides in the San Joaquin River, California and Tributaries during Storm Events." Science of the Total Environment 408(2). Retrieved June 20, 2018 (

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