ICPSR (Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research) maintains an archive more than 250,000 data files of research in the social and behavioral sciences. Data requires SPSS/statistical software to analyze. You will need to create an account attached to your own login/email before accessing the data.
ICPSR hosts 21 specialized collections of data in education, aging, criminal justice, substance abuse, terrorism, and other fields.
Global Road Warrior is the world’s most extensive country-by-country resource for learning about culture, customs, history, and language worldwide. Global Road Warrior consists of 175 Country Guides of 119 topics each.
As a catalog of the California State Archives, Minerva provides access to summary descriptions their resources. The California State Archives is responsible for the management and preservation of state government records. Within the more than 300 million items in its collections are documents from the state's first constitutional convention in 1849, land grant records of the Spanish and Mexican eras, campaign contribution statements, State Supreme Court and Courts of Appeal case files, legislative committee files, original laws, papers of many of the state's leading politicians, and large collections of photographs, maps, drawings, and audio/visual materials.
RAND contains nearly 200 Social Science datasets covering statistics on important public policy issues from all 50 U.S states, plus about 80 additional detailed datasets on California.