Kurdistan, Assyrian songs, 1948-1952, [sound recording] / collected by Henry Yonan, @ UCLAThese recordings document the dialect and language spoken by the Assyrian tribes at the time of World War I (about 1915) in what is now Eastern Turkey. After the war the Assyrian community never returned to the area. Some of the songs are about WWI and the Russian advance into Turkey... The songs are of 3 different types: old Assyrian, unique Assyrian, and translation of hymns.
The songs were produced by Elizabeth Mando (1903-1989) and Youell Mando (1898-1958) in the U.S., but come from the City of Mazri in the province of Tkhuma in the eastern Kurdistan Mountains (city and province are no longer there) … The collection was created and deposited in the Ethnomusicology Archive by Henry Yonan of Burton, Michigan … The songs were recorded in Flint, Michigan -- the artists, who came from the mountain regions of Eastern Turkey, were displaced during WWI… Some songs repeat themselves because they were recorded at different times and on different record.