For journal articles in Kinesiology, use the most comprehensive database, Physical Education Index.
For journal articles on topics related to health and nursing, use:
CINAHL® Plus also provides indexing for more than 5,000 journals from the fields of nursing and allied health. The database contains more than 4 million records dating back to 1937.
For citations to articles in medical journals (and other selected biomedical literature), search:
Subjects include biomedicine and life sciences, bioengineering, public health, clinical care, and plant and animal science.
PubMed comprises of citations for biomedical journal articles from MEDLINE (or queued to be included in MEDLINE in the future), other life science journals, and selected medical books.
The Stan State library link adds a code (?otool=cacsuslib) to tell PubMed to add a Find It! link to let you access Stan State library subscriptions or an Interlibrary Loan request form for an article.
Search ERIC for journal articles and non-journal literature on physical education in a school setting.
When provided by ERIC, there are links to the ERIC full text or links to other sources such as publisher websites or DOIs.
For journal articles on the sociological implications of sport, use Social Sciences Full Text or Sociological Abstracts.
Subject coverage includes addiction studies, anthropology, community health & medical care, communications, economics, environmental studies, ethics, family studies, gender studies, geography, international relations, law, mass media, minority studies, political science, psychiatry, psychology, public welfare, social work, urban studies and much more.
For research on controversial topics, CQ Researcher provides a weekly report on a key national issue. Reports include a pro/con section.
To determine if a journal is available in full text in a database, search by journal title or ISSN using the Journals A-Z link in OneSearch.
Note: Continuous keyword searching removes the filter for the journal. When keyword searching, please check the limiter: Only show content I have full access to.
Google Scholar is a good resource for scholarly articles available online.
To access articles from library databases, click settings, library links, then search CSU Stanislaus. Check all boxes for CSU Stanislaus and Open WorldCat library search. Articles available in full text in a library database or via open access will include a pdf link on the right side of the list of results.
Searching a database will provide citations to scholarly journal articles and other scientific research.
To access the full-article, look for links to:
If there are no full-text links, use Find It! to see if article is available in another library subscription.