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APA 7th Edition Style Guide

This guide provides an overview of APA style and citations to assist in your writing.

Reference Page

A reference list contains sources that specifically support the ideas, claims, and concepts in your paper. References provide the information necessary for readers to identify and retrieve each source. 

Formatting Your Reference Page

APA Style includes the following guidelines on how to format the reference list of your paper.  

  • The reference list starts on a new page.
  • The reference list is directly after the main body of text and before any supplemental information like tables and appendices.
  • The page should be labeled "References" bold and centered on the page.
  • Double space all reference list entries.
  • Use a hanging indent for all references.
  • Organize your references in alphabetical order by author. 

A reference list entry generally has four elements: the author, date, title, and source.

  • author: Who is responsible for this work?
  • date: When was this work published?
  • title: What is this work called?
  • source: Where can I retrieve this work?

See below for templates of commonly used reference types or the attached handout of examples. 

Reference Templates and Examples

Journal article with a DOI: 

Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of PeriodicalVolume number(Issue number), Page numbers. 


McCauley, S. M., & Christiansen, M. H. (2019). Language learning as language use: A cross-linguistic model of child language development. Psychological Review126(1),1-51.


Author, A. A. (Year). Title: Subtitle. Publisher Name. 


Christian, B., & Griffiths, T. (2016). Algorithms to live by: The computer science of human decisions. Henry Holt and Co. 

Chapter in Edited Book:

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year). Title of the book chapter. In A. A. Editor & B. B. Editor (Eds.), Title of the book (pp. #–#). Publisher. DOI or URL.


Zeleke, W. A., Hughes, T. L., & Drozda, N. (2020). Home–school collaboration to promote mind-body health. In C. Maykel & M. A. Bray (Eds.), Promoting mind–body health in schools: Interventions for mental health professionals (pp. 11–26). American Psychological Association.

Web page: 

Author, A. A. (Year). Title of work. Site Name. https://xxxxxx

Example: ​

Avramova, N. (2019). The secret to a long, happy, healthy life? Think age-positive. CNN.

Handout: Common Reference Examples

Are you missing information for your source?

Use the below link for help creating references with missing information.

APA Legal Citation

Check out our APA Legal Citation guide for more help on citing legal materials!