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CJ 3170: Criminal Justice Research Methods - Prof. Hiropoulos Ramatlhodi

This is a class guide for students in CJ 3170: Criminal Justice Research Methods with Prof. Hiropoulos Ramatlhodi. Find follow-up resources here following each Library session.


Keywords are the main concepts of your research question, broken down into 2-5 words to use in your search. The main concepts can be broken down further into synonyms, antonyms, or subtopics. Try variations of keywords when searching to find the combination that works best for your topic.

Sample Research Question broken down into keywords. 

Databases to Start Your Criminal Justice Research

Search Tips

Getting the Text of Articles

Searching a database will provide citations to scholarly journal articles and other scientific research.

To access the full-article, look for links to:

PDF full text image 

    HTML Full-Text

 If there are no full-text links, use Find It! to see if article is available in another library subscription.

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