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Article Searches

The library subscribes to many article databases, most with full text.  Most are discipline-specific.

OneSearch limited to articles searches most of these databases.  If no links to full text, use Interlibrary Loan to order the article.

If you want to know whether the library has access to a particular article, use OneSearch to search for that article title.  If it doesn't come up, use Interlibrary Loan to order the article.

Newspaper databases

Users connecting from off campus will be asked for a login and password.

Getting the Text of Articles

Searching a database will provide citations to scholarly journal articles and other scientific research.

To access the full-article, look for links to:

PDF full text image 

    HTML Full-Text

 If there are no full-text links, use Find It! to see if article is available in another library subscription.

          find it icon

Google Scholar

Google Scholar Search

Peer Review/Scholarly

Scholarly journals are discipline-specific means of sharing research and communicating with colleagues.  Peer review for scholarly journals refers to the editorial process by which the newest research is chosen as worthy of archiving in this journal.  Editors are peer researchers, and experts in their field.